
'A Woman with a Story' 2012 has been added under the tab: Sound.


I have been editing a recording of my Grandma talking about life in the 1950s. The original recording was over an hour long, although I have managed to pick up where she is talking about the bedroom with links to how life was then for women. It is now about twelve minutes long. Really pleased with the results. Will write a short story from my age perspective that goes nicely with this recording. I will post the final sound pieces under the tab 'Sound' as soon as they are ready.


This is a rough layout/plan of the installation.

Sketch for Model

This was the sketch and measurments that I used to make the model of the room/gallery space for my degree show.


Documentation video of 'A Storm is blowing in Paradise' Exhibition has been posted in 'Film' Tab along the top of the blog.


These are images of a model I have made, to help me plan how the installation will look. It is all to scale and I will make little model furniture to put inside it. To help towards the Degree Show Exhibition.


C.V and Artist Statement have been updated and have been posted under 'C.V' and 'Artist Statement' Tab along the top of the blog.

Degree Show Progress

So far I have been concentrating on making the short stories the best possible, had a little go at some recordings which I will post on here soon.

Also I have done some preparation for the installation. I have cleaned and painted these furniture so they are now looking in pristine condition.


Test sound piece has been added to the blog under the 'Sound' Tab along the top. This was just a practice and the end piece will be added soon.


I feel that there are two words that have influenced my decision in the viewer not being able to go in the room and that it will be only viewed from a window/door. These words are: THRESHOLD and PANOPTICON. This is because to define 'threshold' it is a 'starting point of an experience.' I feel that the window acts as exactly that. I want the viewers to feel the experience and thoughts from the women in my work. Sound also invites the viewer into an experience. 'Panopticon' is a building where all parts of the interior is visible from one single viewpoint. This building is usually a prison or a library, however, I am trying to create a representation of a personal room within an institutionalized building.