
The excitement is kicking in now, looking forward to putting everything together and seeing the final outcome to what I and everyone else has been working towards the past few weeks. I just hope that visually it will look as good as it does in my head! - Fingers crossed! Hope you all can make it to the private opening! - SEE YOU THERE!

Inspiration: Jenny Holzer

Jenny Holzer is an artist that works with text. Although her work differs from mine in the sense of that she uses provocative statements in exhibitions or public places to create a debate, whilst I work with short stories and diary entries that are more of a lengthier piece of text. I like how her work presents a rhetorical strategies of different forms of speech and writings. Her particular piece that I like is the projections against monumental buildings, this gave me the idea to project against the wall in Degree show exhibition.


Just in the studio doing some final preparations for the installation part for the degree show.


I am having difficulty deciding what text to use as the projection, I can't fit all of the text 'A Diary from an Ordinary Girl' 2012 on the projection, as it will be too small, plus viewers won't want to stand and read it all, I want it short, snappy to the point - so the viewer can gain all the knowledge they need to know instantly, or they go away with something they can think about. If they want to read the rest of the text piece then they can find it on my blog.

Stop if you Think you've Heard This One Before!

This was an exhibition set up by some 2nd year students, I was impressed with the variety of work and with the catalogue.

Facebook Event

Here is a Facebook Event that some fellow contemporaries have set up for the private opening for the Degree Show. It is a public event so anyone is able to put that they are attending:

Click Here  to take you to the page.

Visual Bibliography

I have nearly completed my visual bibliography, I feel I have had some strong influences throughout this project such as, artists, books and words; they helped me tremendously with the reasoning behind my work. I'm getting the final preparations done before I am able to start setting up the exhibition next week. The sound piece 'A woman with a Story' I am really pleased with, all that's left is the final decision 'text' that will be projected into the room. It is hard to visualize what the final piece will look like - let's hope it will look as good as it does in my head!

Business Card

I have just ordered my business cards to put near my exhibition for people to take away with them if they wish, I am excited for them to arrive to see what they look like. I used the images of my work that Dave Overton took, which will also be in the catalogue. I kept them simple on the back with only relevant information.

Influence: Yayoi Kusama

'The Obliteration Room' 


I have decided that instead of having two sound pieces I will have one playing out loud and one projected onto the back wall, so that it is presented in a way that the viewer can still read it and it will be part of the work. I have been experimenting with different pens and sizing to insure I get it looking perfect. I am handwriting it, as this gives it a personal feel to it, like the sound piece has to it, it is also going to be projected using OHP as this makes it look as though its an old page torn out of a diary.


'A Woman with a Story' 2012 has been added under the tab: Sound.


I have been editing a recording of my Grandma talking about life in the 1950s. The original recording was over an hour long, although I have managed to pick up where she is talking about the bedroom with links to how life was then for women. It is now about twelve minutes long. Really pleased with the results. Will write a short story from my age perspective that goes nicely with this recording. I will post the final sound pieces under the tab 'Sound' as soon as they are ready.


This is a rough layout/plan of the installation.

Sketch for Model

This was the sketch and measurments that I used to make the model of the room/gallery space for my degree show.


Documentation video of 'A Storm is blowing in Paradise' Exhibition has been posted in 'Film' Tab along the top of the blog.


These are images of a model I have made, to help me plan how the installation will look. It is all to scale and I will make little model furniture to put inside it. To help towards the Degree Show Exhibition.


C.V and Artist Statement have been updated and have been posted under 'C.V' and 'Artist Statement' Tab along the top of the blog.

Degree Show Progress

So far I have been concentrating on making the short stories the best possible, had a little go at some recordings which I will post on here soon.

Also I have done some preparation for the installation. I have cleaned and painted these furniture so they are now looking in pristine condition.


Test sound piece has been added to the blog under the 'Sound' Tab along the top. This was just a practice and the end piece will be added soon.


I feel that there are two words that have influenced my decision in the viewer not being able to go in the room and that it will be only viewed from a window/door. These words are: THRESHOLD and PANOPTICON. This is because to define 'threshold' it is a 'starting point of an experience.' I feel that the window acts as exactly that. I want the viewers to feel the experience and thoughts from the women in my work. Sound also invites the viewer into an experience. 'Panopticon' is a building where all parts of the interior is visible from one single viewpoint. This building is usually a prison or a library, however, I am trying to create a representation of a personal room within an institutionalized building.

Network Exhibition March 2012

'A Storm is Blowing in Paradise' 2012

Jordan Baseman

Attended an interesting talk by a artist that makes film, called Jordan Baseman. He also showed a few of his pieces. If you would like to find out more about him here is the link to his website:


Mini Exhibition 2012

Exhibition: Greestone Gallery
Duration: Mon 5th March - Thurs 8th March 2012

Artist Statement

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” - Mahatma Gandhi

My artwork produces a critical review on feminism and the meaning of ‘strength.’ My aim is to find out what people define ‘strength’ as and to test to see if it varies within western culture.

My practice uses text and sound. This deals with spoken discourse including repetition, recorded conversation and written textual definitions. The work questions opinions from various individuals.

My work uses sound and text because I feel that these processes are a better way of presenting my inner thoughts to outer reality, due to thoughts being shown through language. The body is used as tool for speech. Speech enables us to communicate between each other therefore the audience does not need any visual images as they can create one in their mind from what they hear.

I have been influenced by artists such as Marina Abramovic because even though she is a performance artist, her work shows the limits that she can put herself through and I feel that this shows real strength. Susan Miller is another influence, because she uses sound projected through headphones in her work to communicate ideas surrounding the theme of stories to her listeners.

So, tell me your opinion on mental strength?